Friday 13 November 2015


BEHOLD! Our zine roster for 2016 is set, in what is a rare turn of events and us being prepared for stuff way in advance! So, check out the themes and rough timelines:

Jan/Feb - Warm Fuzzies
March - Nightmares and dark stuff
May - Science (just in time for TCAF)
July - Colours, rainbow, spectrum

Draw, write, photograph, craft for any and all themes you like. We're on the lookout for submissions so bring it!! Send your submissions to:

(click here for some submission guidelines)

Saturday 7 November 2015

V5: Issue 4

View our full issue under the Zine heading.

Lets end this year's volume with a bang of colour, shall we guys? Last issue of volume 5 is a mini 8 page zine printed in colour. Enjoy it at today's femzine fest by SACHA

More photos >>HERE<< courtesy of SACHA and photographer Audra Petrulis